Patient Timeline

Like many other patients, this patient comes to us after having done extensive research about hair transplants. The main focus was to cover the crown, redesign its frontal line and give density in the middle zone.

Before and After hair treatment

  • Follicles Transplanted: 3,221
  • Hairs Transplanted: 6,062
  • Norwood Scale: 5

His procedure was performed in 2 days, on an outpatient basis and had an average donor area.

The patient came back the next day after the procedure for washing the donor area and the third day for washing the implanted area.

Timeline – 2018

01 JANUARY: Day of the procedure.

1st day of procedure

COMMENTS: Once the procedure was completed, the patient did not experience discomfort, because no cuts were made during the implantation. This guarantees that the recovery will be quick and without leaving scars.

07 JANUARY: 6 Days post Op.

6th day of procedure

COMMENTS: Six days after the procedure all our patients must be aesthetically recovered. During this period of time, a good part of the patient’s hair begins to grow.

01 May: 3 Months post Op.

3 month of procedure

COMMENTS: During this period the patient is going through the shock stage in which the implanted hair falls due to a natural process of it.

01 JUNE: 4 Months post Op.

4th month of procedure

COMMENTS: The shock phase continues but gradually the patient gains density in the area of implantation.

01 AUGUST: 7 Months post Op.

7th month of procedure

COMMENTS: In the seventh month, the patient has approximately 60% of the evolution of the procedure. In this stage the shock phase has already been passed and the patient begins to see more density in the implanted areas.

01 SEPTEMBER: 8 Months post Op.

8th month of procedure

COMMENTS: The evolution of the follicles continues and month by month the patient can see a visible improvement on the implanted areas.

01 OCTOBER: 10 Months post Op.

10th month of procedure

COMMENTS: In the tenth month, the patient has approximately 80% of evolution on the hair implant. The hair continues to gain thickness and density, while it is getting closer to its final result which will get between 12 and 14 months.