Hair Transplant Clinic in NJ
September 09,2022

Hair transplants have a much higher success rate than non-surgical or over-the-counter treatments. These days the debate lies around FUE vs. FUT hair transplants and which one is the best for them. The most significant difference between FUE and FUT hair transplants is the method for completing the procedure. FUE involves the specialist harvesting individual follicular units from the scalp. FUT entails the specialist removing a strip from the scalp from a donor region and implanting it into the thinning or balding areas. 

The FUE Method Offers More Advantages than FUT Hair Transplants 

People often prefer the FUE method of hair transplant. One reason is there is no linear scar after the procedure. A specialist carries out the FUE method using a precise surgical tool. The result is a more natural appearance, allowing you to style your hair the way you prefer. Other benefits include: 

  • Faster recovery time- FUE is less invasive, meaning minimal downtime
  • Less discomfort- patients report discomfort levels much lower than for the FUT procedure 
  • More affordable- the cost depends on the number of hair grafts, and the specialist can usually extract the follicles in one session  
  • Advanced technology- the implant tool makes the procedure quicker and provides better results
  • Precision- the implant tool provides the specialist excellent control during the procedure

With the advanced technology of FUE, your hair will grow the same way it did at the donor site and is successful for the crown and hairline. 

The FUE Method is a More Effective Procedure than FUT Hair Transplants

During the FUE hair transplant process, you’ll sit in a comfortable reclining chair designed for the procedure. Next, the specialist will carefully extract hair follicles from the donor area. Once complete, the specialist will implant the follicles into the crown or hairline. When you are ready to leave, they will provide instructions on caring for the implants at home while they heal. 

Looking for the Best Hair Transplant Near Me? 

These days, many men and women are turning to the advanced technology of the FUE method for the best hair transplant with a high success rate. The minimally invasive procedure is less painful because there is no scalpel incision. You won’t need stitches after an FUE hair transplant. It also won’t leave you with embarrassing scarring. FUE hair transplants are highly effective transplants available today and can leave you with a head full of beautiful hair. 
